You may feel helpless and trapped if you have diabetes. This article can help you get a better idea of what effect diabetes has on your life and will give you some suggestions on how to deal with it. Simply follow these simple steps in order to see great results.
If you're a diabetic and you're experiencing problems related to your vision, see to it that you consult your doctor. Cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy can be the result of uncontrolled diabetes. This can eventually lead to blindness if you do not take care of these issues.
Changing your diet can be a great way to help lower your risk factor of contracting diabetes, and switching out fats and sugars with fiber is a great place to start. The risk for diabetes increases with foods such as enriched wheat flour or white bread. Choose whole grain wheat if you want to lower the chance of contracting diabetes. There have been studies done that have shown that when people eat more whole grains, they have less of a risk of developing diabetes.
Chocolate does have sugar, but it is also very fattening. Fat is digested very slowly by the body, so it takes longer for the chocolate to raise glucose levels. Instead, a sugary snack that is fat-free will help raise your glucose level.
There are a lot of protein filled foods that you can try, including beans and tofu. Try to mix it up to keep your mouth interested!
Know which foods are low on the glycemic index and will help your body release glucose slowly. High glycemic foods are those such as cereal, pasta, juice, bread and desserts. Many processed foods also make it difficult to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Eat foods such as fresh veggies and fruit, fish, and lean meats.
Always stay on schedule with your meals. Whenever you skip or postpone a meal, your blood sugars are affected a great deal. The substantial, sudden spike in blood glucose typical of type 2 diabetes is caused when this glucose further contributes to already steep blood glucose levels.
You are going to want to contact a doctor if you have gestational diabetes and are pregnant. By not controlling gestational diabetes, you are putting the health of yourself and your baby in jeopardy. If you do have gestational diabetes, your doctor can help you control it using both prescription medication and dietary changes.
A few types of diabetes have a cure. Therefore, when you realize that you must make some lifestyle changes, you have to know the significance of life. These tips will help, but they can only help you so far. Learning to control and live with your disease is really up to you.
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