In plain and simple terms, a diagnosis of diabetes means your body is no longer capable of creating and controlling insulin production. While this might seem easy to understand, the treatment involved with regulating insulin production and managing diabetes is actually very complicated. The solid advice in the article below will help you with some important information to make it a little easier.
If you're a person who likes to snack and a diabetic, it can be extremely difficult to fight the urge to eat a treat you see in your kitchen, or in vending machines. However, do yourself a favor and avoid such snacks in favor of complex carbs, like fruits and vegetables.
If you have diabetes, you have to be careful about what you eat. Different types of foods have different effects on your blood sugar levels. Adapt your insulin injections to what you eat. If you are proactive with your meals, you will be able to appropriately manage your blood glucose levels.
If your blood sugar level dips too low, you may need to drink something sugary like orange juice to get it back up. Don't worry if your blood sugar level spikes when you do this. There can be two reasons for this. One, your body may be releasing hormones in response to low glucose levels. Two, you may be eating too much in response to the low reading. Try reducing your meal by about half the next time and then check on your blood sugar level about 30 minutes later.
If you suffer from diabetes, make sure to maintain healthy teeth and gums because diabetes increases your gum disease risk. You should brush several times daily and floss at least once a day.
Always have access to your insulin whenever you travel. Never pack your insulin kit in your bags that are checked; they may be subjected to extreme temperatures or get lost. Carrying insulin onto the plane with you is alright. If it is not subjected to extremes of temperature. Insulin can keep for up to a month without refrigeration.
If you are diabetic and want to reduce the chance of complications, get more exercise. This helps to keep your blood sugar levels low, making your body more sensitive to insulin, not to mention it helps you to lose weight. So, because your blood sugar responds better with increased activity, if you are diabetic you cannot get by with being sedentary.
Do not overeat if you are hypoglycemic. Having the appropriate amount of sugars is important, but excess sugar can affect your body negatively.
There are some cases in which diabetes can be completely cured. Your life is valuable, so embrace the changes you need to make so that you can keep it. These tips can help but can only take you so far. Everything else is your decision.
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