Diabetes is a devastating and very serious illness. Individuals diagnosed with diabetes must learn how to care for themselves and preserve their health in order to live a long, happy life. Tips to help a diabetics learn these are contained in this article.
Diabetics can have a lot of problems with their feet. Take good care of the feet, because if you are careless, complications can arise. Following these guidelines will help you take care of your feet even though you might have diabetes.
Changing your diet can be a great way to help lower your risk factor of contracting diabetes, and switching out fats and sugars with fiber is a great place to start. The risk for diabetes increases with foods such as enriched wheat flour or white bread. Choose whole grain wheat if you want to lower the chance of contracting diabetes. There have been studies done that have shown that when people eat more whole grains, they have less of a risk of developing diabetes.
Always keep sugary gum or another form of sugar that is quick to grab and consume on hand when you are hypoglycemic. The effects of hypoglycemia can be much more dangerous than those of hyperglycemia, and it can rear its ugly head at any time. Skipping breakfast is a bad idea that makes attacks more likely, because your body will be especially desperate for sugar.
Egg whites can be an ideal breakfast for diabetics. Egg whites have a very low amount of fat and calories, and they're packed with protein that you need to begin the day in the right way. Egg whites make great omelets, or go well scrambled with some sliced ham.
Glucose tablets are a helpful course of action to take for those with hypoglycemia, provided you speak with a physician beforehand. You can easily take these tablets with you wherever you go. In addition, your body can digest them much more quickly than any sweets you consume, so it takes much less time for your glucose levels to rise.
Sleeping well is especially important for diabetics and if you experience problems sleeping, it can be helpful to be tested for sleep apnea. In the event that you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, following up on treatment options is essential to avoid the chance of serious complications.
Try to keep a tight schedule in order to simplify your life and allow your body to get used to normal cycles. For instance, choose a spot to keep your insulin and meter, and make sure you put them there each and every night, so you know right where they are when you need them in the morning. Keep to the same routine every time you test so you never miss a step, and you don't have to think twice about recording your levels.
These tips should help you manage your condition, but you should keep looking for more information. You can most likely think of ways to use this information now. Give them a try, and see how your condition benefits and how great you feel.
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