Tuesday, February 5, 2013

You Can Have Diabetes And Stay Healthy

Many have found that controlling diabetes is not as daunting as it was in previous times. However, it is to your advantage to gain as much knowledge as you possibly can on how to effectively treat the condition. In the following paragraphs, you'll learn how to cope with the affects of your diabetes so that you can live more comfortably.

It is important, as a diabetic, to always go to your medical appointments. Diabetes is a condition that generally cannot be cured. The best way to prevent your condition from worsening is to monitor it vigilantly. As long as you properly manage your diabetes, it will not interfere much with your daily life.

Don't overeat if you are hypoglycemic. Having the appropriate amount of sugars is important, but excess sugar can affect your body negatively.

Diabetes has become a prevalent disease. This will help you come to terms with your diagnosis, not to mention prevent you from being inconvenienced.

Learn the foods that have high glycemic indexes, as these can cause a sudden spike in your blood sugar levels. Breads, desserts, pastas, cereal, and even juices are products that are high in the glycemic index. Foods that are processed and have a lot of chemicals and preservatives in them can also wreak havoc on your blood sugar levels. Add more fresh vegetables and fruits, meats and fish to your diet.

If you want to add a nutritious touch to your salad, throw in some walnuts! Walnuts are rich in monosaturated fats, which can help you manage your diabetes by improving the way the cells in your body process insulin. Not only that, but walnuts are also great sources of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. They are also tasty and boost your energy levels.

You shouldn't only rely on urine ketone testing as a means to measure blood sugar levels. Higher ketone levels in your urine only indicate that your ketones are higher than 200mg/dl. The ADA tells us that diabetics should use finger sticks and blood tests for more accurate results.

Do not take blame for having gestational diabetes. In most cases, this condition does not appear for any specific reasons. Stay positive about your pregnancy to avoid adding stress to your problems.

The world doesn't stop just because there has been a diabetes diagnosis. These tips can help you keep diabetes under control and minimize the negative effects it has on your daily life.

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