Monday, December 17, 2012

Enjoying Your Life In Spite Of Diabetes

More people are developing diabetes than many other diseases in the world. Each day, increasing numbers of individuals receive this diagnosis. This article will help anyone who has diabetes on their mind. The information can help you know which changes are needed to effectively manage diabetes.

Diabetics can have a lot of problems with their feet. Take good care of the feet, because if you are careless, complications can arise. Following these guidelines will help you take care of your feet even though you might have diabetes.

It is important to get regular exercise. Exercise decreases insulin resistance, which helps your body use glucose and insulin in a more normal way. Exercise is a great part of any diabetic lifestyle.

Rather than totally ditching the foods that you love, try altering them in healthy ways. One of the big misconceptions about diabetes is that sufferers must follow a much stricter diet. Most people believe that they need to get rid of a lot of the foods they love to eat. For others, the temptations of their favorite dishes will overcome dietary restrictions. Look for alternatives to your favorite dishes if they are unhealthy. Many foods can be made diabetes-friendly by using healthier alternatives to the problem ingredients.

Make sure you eat on a regular schedule. If you skip a meal or wait too long, your sugar level will be dangerously out of control. When that glucose is added to high glucose levels the type 2 diabetic usually has, there can be a dramatic spike of sugar.

Even if you are feeling ill and experiencing loss of appetite, being a diabetic makes it especially important to take care of your body by continuing to eat healthy foods, and monitor your glucose levels. When your blood sugar is low for an extended period of time, you can become dehydrated. Take time to drink extra fluids if you suspect you are dehydrated.

Sleep apnea can often be overlooked in those with diabetes. In fact, those with diabetes often have many issues go unnoticed. People with this condition stop breathing for a short time while they are asleep. Sleep apnea causes you to be tired all day; if you have this symptom you may want to be evaluated.

After receiving the diagnosis, stay level-headed and listen to what your doctor tells you about the changes you need to make in your life. You can still live life the way you want to.

Now that you have a good idea of how to control your diabetes, you should feel more positive in the steps that you can take towards living a more comfortable life. The information described above will help you see results, but only if you properly apply it.

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