Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Taking The Control From Your Diabetes

Diabetes can be a very difficult disease to manage. You have to make drastic diet changes, monitor your illness multiple times a day, and make adjustments through diet and injections to stay healthy. While diabetes will always be a challenge, there are many things that you can do to help deal with your illness. The following advice will help you live a healthy life with diabetes.

Work out regularly. When you exercise regularly, this results in better management of glucose and insulin in your body to ensure a stable level of blood sugar. For diabetics, exercise is an essential addition to the lifestyle.

Don't overeat if you are hypoglycemic. Having the appropriate amount of sugars is important, but excess sugar can affect your body negatively.

Rather than totally ditching the foods that you love, try altering them in healthy ways. One of the big misconceptions about diabetes is that sufferers must follow a much stricter diet. Most people believe that they need to get rid of a lot of the foods they love to eat. For others, the temptations of their favorite dishes will overcome dietary restrictions. Look for alternatives to your favorite dishes if they are unhealthy. Many foods can be made diabetes-friendly by using healthier alternatives to the problem ingredients.

Egg whites can be an ideal breakfast for diabetics. Egg whites have a very low amount of fat and calories, and they're packed with protein that you need to begin the day in the right way. Egg whites make great omelets, or go well scrambled with some sliced ham.

An insulated bag for insulin storage is one essential piece of equipment for the traveling diabetic. Keeping your insulin in a bag that is insulated will maintain the proper cool temperature required for this medication.

You shouldn't only rely on urine ketone testing as a means to measure blood sugar levels. Higher ketone levels in your urine only indicate that your ketones are higher than 200mg/dl. The ADA tells us that diabetics should use finger sticks and blood tests for more accurate results.

Ketchup, pop, and other sweets contain this item. That is why it is necessary to read the food labels, and return it to the shelf when you know that it contains corn syrup. Canadian products list high fructose corn syrup as glucose/fructose.

Now that you have a good idea of how to control your diabetes, you should feel more positive in the steps that you can take towards living a more comfortable life. The information described above will help you see results, but only if you properly apply it.

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